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International Conference on Eurasian Food Security and Nutrition Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership
Международный форум по развитию Евразийской сети по продовольственной безопасности и Евразийского почвенного партнерства
29 февраля-2 марта 2016Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Евразийский центр по продовольственной безопасности искренне рад приветствовать участников Международного форума по развитию Евразийской Сети по Продовольственной Безопасности и Питанию и Евразийскому Почвенному Партнерству в Кыргызской Республике.

Форум организован Евразийским центром по продовольственной безопасности/Аграрным Центром МГУ (ECFS) совместно с Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организацией (ФАО), Всемирным банком (ВБ), Международным Институтом исследований продовольственной политики (МИИПП) и Глобальным форумом по сельскохозяйственным исследованиям (ГФСИ).

В рамках форума участники обсудят и проанализируют современные тенденции в области регулирования продовольственной безопасности в Евразийском регионе и определят оптимальные и наиболее действенные подходы для продвижения и расширения много- и межотраслевого сотрудничества на национальном, региональном и глобальном уровнях.

Форум также послужит площадкой для проведения пленарного заседания Евразийского почвенного партнерства. Аграрный Центр МГУ выступает в качестве форума для обмена знаниями, способствующими улучшению продовольственной безопасности в Евразийском регионе. Одной из основных задач Центра является создание динамичной сети сельскохозяйственных исследователей, практиков и политиков для обмена знаниями и поощрение эффективных путей решения проблем Продовольственной безопасности в Евразийском регионе.

В то же время, Центр совместно с Глобальным Почвенным Партнерством ФАО развивает Евразийское Почвенное партнерство (ЕАПП). ЕАПП фокусируется на решении вопросов рационального использования почв в Евразийском регионе.

Дополнительная информация по ссылке.


Day 1 (February 29, Monday)



Offical Opening


Welcoming remarks by:

a) Representative of ECFS

b) Representative of the Kyrgyz Government

c) Representative of the Russian Government

d) Representatives of the World Bank, FAO, IFPRI, and GFAR


Food Security for All: Agriculture and Nutrition – A global and regional perspective

Presentations of Keynote Speakers: 

Russia and Food security in Eurasian Region (Russian Government)

Role of Agriculture and Nutrition for Global and Regional Food Security ( IFPRI Director General, Dr. Shenggen Fan )

Food security and Sustainable Soil Management (EASP)


Major Activities of ECFS (2013-2015)

To be presented by ECFS:

  • Collaborative Research Program 
  • Educational Programs 
  • Network Activities (collaboration with international organizations, e-consultations on combatting soil salinization, economics of soil degradation, Eurasian soil partnership) 
  • Future Directions of ECFS





Session 1: Eurasian Food Security and Nutrition Network

Session 1.1: Global and Regional Food Security Initiatives: Roles of Development Partners 

Presentations: Global and Regional Agriculture Food Security Initiatives: international organizations/donors perspectives

  • FAO
  • GFAR on Role of Agricultural 
  • Innovation System in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus countries towards more sustainable Food Security and Nutrition (Dr. Botir Dosov)
  • Representatives of Regional organizations


Session 2: Eurasian Soil Partnership

Session 2.1: Barriers preventing Sustainable 

Soil Management (SSM) application and recommended SSM practices 

Moderator: the Chairperson of the EASP Acad. Hukmatullo Ahmadov

Initial Remarks: FAO

a) Introduction to the Implementation Plan for EASP: Executive Secretary of EASP Pavel Krasilnikov

b) Presentation of the outcomes of e-consultation on the identification of barriers preventing the adoption of SSM practices in Eurasia: Forum moderators


Panel Discussions




Session 1.2: Challenges for Enhancing Regional Food Security: Country Perspectives

Presentation: GFAR: bringing diverse stakeholders together (Farmers, Private Sector, Women, Youth, NGOs/Civil Society, Regional Advisory Services, International Research institutions)

(15 min for each country) 

  • Agriculture and Food Security in Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyz Republic Food Security Council) 
  • Agriculture and Food Security in Tajikistan (Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration)
  • Agriculture and Food Security in Uzbekistan (Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources)
  • Agriculture and Food Security in Armenia (Ministry of Agriculture)


Session 2.1: Barriers preventing SSM application and recommended SSM practices (cont.)

с) Assessments of the barriers and shortcomings preventing the adoption of SSM practices at the national level by countries: 

  • Republic of Armenia
  • Republic of Azerbaijan 
  • Republic of Belarus
  • Georgia
  • Republic of Moldova 
  • The Republic of Turkey
  • Ukraine 


Panel Discussion (identifying key and common issues)


Coffee break


Session 1.3: Investment in Global and Regional Food Security Initiatives: 

  • Presentation from public sector: Global and Regional Agriculture Food Security Initiatives
  • Presentation: from private sector (To be identified)
  • Presentations from Multinational organizations: GFAR+ GAFSP (Iftikhar Mostafa), IFAD, World Bank, IFPRI (the role in mobilizing investments in national systems)

10 min each presentation


Session 2.1: Barriers preventing SSM application and recommended SSM practices (cont.)

c) Assessments of the barriers and shortcomings preventing the adoption of SSM practices at the national level (cont.)

  • Russian Federation. 
  • Republic of Kazakhstan; 
  • Turkmenistan; 
  • Republic of Uzbekistan; 
  • Kyrgyz Republic; 
  • Tajikistan


Panel Discussion: Identifying what common solutions work best in the region (Moderator: WB)


Session 2.2: Identification of appropriate sustainable soil management practices and systems at regional and national levels; success stories by:

  • FAO
  • World Bank

Forming an ad-hoc Working Group (WG) for developing a synthesis review


Reception; Wrap-up of Day 1 and Outline for Day 2


Day 2 (March 1, Tuesday)


Session 1.4: Food Security and NutritionPresentation: Food Security and Nutrition in Central Asia and Caucuses: Opportunities for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and social protection (Boitshepo (Bibi) Giyose, Senior Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Division, FAO)

Presentation: CGIAR and CRPs alignment on Food Security and Nutrition in the Central Asia Region (including but not limited to ICARDA new strategy for the CAC Region, Andrew Noble ICARDA DDG-R; Richard Thomas CRP DS Director)

Presentation: IFPRI on Eurasian Food Security Network (in collaboration with ECFS)


Session 2.3: Regional View and the Way Forward: Breaking the Barriers 

Report of the WG on the outcomes of their work on identification of the barriers for the application of SSM practices

Business game and brainstorming exercise to find the way to break the barriers using DPSIR methodology (WG)

Facilitated by the ECFS and WB staff


Panel Discussion (with country representatives): what is unique about Eurasian region’s Nutrition issues and what solutions countries would expect (Moderator: Representative of Kyrgyz Republic)


Session 2.3 cont'd.


Coffee break


Session 1.5: Food Security and Nutrition Network (FSNN) Presentation: Global and Regional Networks on Food Security (Lynn Brown, Food Security Expert, WB) 


Session 2.3: Regional View and the Way Forward: breaking the barriers (cont.)WG leaders present the outcomes of the brainstorming activity


Session 1.6: Expansion Strategies for Eurasian FSNN: Mapping the Opportunities and Network Improvement Strategies(Moderator: FAO)

Panel Discussions (country reps and major International organizations representatives):

  • Identifying country and region specific areas for collaboration and opportunities for network growth (e-platforms, regional networks, roles of international organizations, country’s focal points)
  • Outlining ideas on how to strengthen and expand the existing network based on the Focus countries’ needs and changing geopolitical situation


Session 2.3: Regional View and the Way Forward: breaking the barriers (cont.)Open discussion, facilitated by the ECFS




Session 1.6: Expansion Strategies for the Eurasian FSNN (cont.): Next steps and Implementation Arrangements 

(Moderator: ECFS)

Panel Discussions :

  • Developing operational framework for expansion of FSNN and nomination of focal points in each focus country
  • Next steps


Session 2.4: Adoption of Final Document

Moderator: (FAO)

  • Presentation of the final synthesis report on the existing barriers for the introduction of sustainable soil management practices and the ways for overcoming these barriers
  • Final discussion and adoption by consensus
  • Next steps


Concluding Panel Discussion on Regional Food Security, Agriculture, Nutrition, and Natural Resource Management Presentation of final outcomes of the two pillars of the meeting: reports of the Chairs of FSNN and EASP and Implementation arrangements to strengthen and expand FSNN and EASP networks


Concluding remarks by WB, FAO, GFAR, ECFS



Day 3 (March 2, Wednesday) 


Field Trips

(school feeding program/Ala Archa National Park )- optional half-day program 


  • Когда: С 29 февраля по 2 марта 2016 года.
  • Где: Отель Hyatt Regency Bishkek, Улица Абдрахманова, 191, г. Бишкек

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